The Consciousness

of Wealth

Join Jessica Bowes & Meredith Rom in Elevating our Frequency Around Money

Free Online Masterclass

Monday, May 13, 2024 | 12 pm PT

Enter your name and email below to receive details for joining the live class

Inside the Masterclass

Learn the five levels of consciousness that prevent women from earning and enjoying wealth 
Discover how to heal inherited ancestral wounds around money 
Apply practical and spiritual solutions to elevate our consciousness around money
Learn an energetic alignment process to shift your frequency to a new level of abundance

Go Deeper

 Discover six principles of receiving and creating wealth

This masterclass will include teachings on the Luminous Method to align spiritually as well as energetically to the frequencies of wealth and abundance


Together we will co-create a sacred space to elevate our consciousness

Join Us For Free

Online | Monday, May 13 | 12 PM PT

Enter your name and email below to receive details to join the live masterclass

Your Guides

We both know what it's like to feel disempowered around money. We navigated periods of our life feeling like a victim, or that someone else should do this for us, until each of us had our own awakening moments that led us to take our power back into our own hands. 

Money, and how we relate to it literally lays the foundation for so much else to prosper in our lives. Our wish for you is to step into the sovereign freedom and power that is your birthright and to create in your life from a place of freedom and joy. To know you are a creator, to tap into the frequency of abundance, unleash the Divine within and energetically align with your true desires to prosper and thrive.  

With love, 

Meredith & Jessica