Womb Healing Ceremony

Reclaim the innate manifestation power of the womb

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Inside the Ceremony

Be Held in Sacred Sisterhood

Amplify healing within the collective group energy

Uncover Memories Ready to Be Healed

And learn how to lovingly re-live them from a place of empowerment

Participate in a Guided Womb Healing Journey

To awaken the creative potential held within

Go Deeper

When you sign up you'll also receive access to the Way of the Priestess program guide

This ceremony is especially potent for you if you...

Are preparing to conceive
Are pregnant or postpartum

And/or if you...
Have a desire to heal birth trauma, abortion, or miscarriage, painful menstrual cycles, difficult sexual experiences or abuse, fertility struggles, or medical trauma related to the womb

As we heal our womb we open the door to...

+ Experience more pleasure
+ Feel more confident
+ Have better boundaries
+ Tap into our feminine power of creation
+ Deeply believe in ourselves
+ Birth our children and creative projects from a place of wholeness

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Your Guide

Over the years as a coach, facilitator and healer, I’ve helped hundreds of women heal their womb, their connection to their self-worth and ability to manifest their true dreams and desires.

I began to see how when we addressed old wounds that have been held in the womb space and brought love and healing to these difficult memories, my clients became so much more confident, excited and ready to move forward with their dreams.

I’ve supported women who have experienced traumatic hospital birth experiences, womb or cervix related medical trauma, abortion, miscarriage, fertility challenges, sexual shame and physical/sexual abuse to find a place of wholeness, love and forgiveness.

As we heal, we have the power to shine ever more brightly. It is my mission to reach more women who are ready to heal their womb, honor their self-worth and take courageous steps to live at their highest potential.

With love, 
